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F*ck filters

F*ck filters
September 10, 2021
Skin, Unfiltered
Contributor - Amara Javed

Ever feel like you look real good - lashes are on point, hair is snatched to the gods – but the selfie just ain’t cutting it? Maybe you need a phone upgrade, or maybe you’re one of the millions of women around the world who’s self-perception is permanently skewed thanks to the filters that permeate our social media-centric lives

There was a time when I wouldn’t dream of posting a photo of myself without editing it; slimming the waist, narrowing the nose a bit.

Then it got even crazier; adding volume to my hair, changing my eye colour ever so slightly.

One day, I stepped back and realized that people might not even recognize me in real life anymore, all they see is this perfectly symmetrical, chiseled face on Instagram and I’m anything but (which I am fine with! We are all human).

The whole ethos of social media in today’s world seems to be simultaneously pushing two opposing narratives: on one hand, we are promoting self-love and on the other the focus on physical perfection (usually driven by Euro-centric ideals with a dash of fox eyes or whatever ‘exotic’ trend is raging that season).

Editing photos and pushing an unattainable ideal of beauty is nothing new, magazines did it for decades until savvy consumers raised hell in the 90s and 2000s.

But the same rage seems to be missing for the digital sphere. Photo editing apps are as old as Facebook, but the issue grew twofold when Instagram introduced inbuilt filters – one swipe on the screen and your flaws disappear (Paris filter anyone?)

So why don’t we carve out a new path?

Forget filters, let’s start by taking care of ourselves (real care).

Once we start placing more importance on how we feel when we wake up in the morning than how many likes our latest Facetuned selfie accrued, it’s gonna be a whole new world.

If you’re anything like me, opening up Instagram and seeing a barrage of perfect faces is getting a bit old.

I want to see women my age (rhymes with dirty heaven) embracing their perfectly imperfect beauty.

I want to see them be open about Botox and fillers, nothing wrong with a bit of upkeep…as long as you aren’t a 19 year old doing it to stamp Bella Hadid’s entire face onto yours.

I want to see women who recognize that a good serum, sunscreen, and moisturiser will do you better than a manipulative filter.

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