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Why you need to moisturise your décolletage

Why you need to moisturise your décolletage
March 08, 2021
Photography - Kate Hliznitsova
Contributor - Mallory McLane

It's time you start extending your skincare regime from your forehead to your nipples... here's why

How many times have you heard your mother tell you to not forget your neck, décolletage, and ears when applying your daily moisturizer and SPF? For me, these words of wisdom have always been harped on me continuously by my Aunt – a massage therapist, esthetician, and really a Jill of all trades, she’d say, “…and don’t forget your ears! Your skincare should reach from your forehead to your nipples.”

Most of us pay a lot more attention to the skin on our faces than we do anywhere else on our bodies. Although it’s an area that’s often forgotten, your décolletage (aka your chest) is frequently on display when you wear an open shirt, plunging neckline, and workout under the sun or head to the beach.

A delicate area, located south of your chin, the beauty industry refers to the décolletage as your neck and chest — a critical cosmetic area that often gets overlooked.

Much like your face, which is prone to sun exposure on a daily basis, and with that premature ageing, your décolletage is also one of the most common areas for skin cancers to develop, which is why taking care of it properly is so crucial.

Keep in mind; your neck is drier than the rest of your face, which is likely why you’ve heard your mother, aunt or friend repeatedly telling you to extend your skincare straight down your neck to your chest for the best protection from fine lines and ageing. Your neck and chest are more likely to show signs of aging first because there are fewer oil glands, fatty tissue and collagen there, leading to dry, sagging skin – and no one wants that.

To take proper care of your skin from your forehead to your nips – follow these 8 steps:

  1. Avoid the sun when possible
  2. Apply an SPF of 30 or higher daily
  3. Go easy with cleansing – remember, it’s delicate
  4. Apply topical retinoids
  5. Exfoliate (gently) regularly
  6. Use serums and moisturisers daily
  7. Use products with antioxidants
  8. Wear clothing that provides shade and protection

Where to start:

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