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Why you should be exfoliating (gently) every day

Why you should be exfoliating (gently) every day
March 08, 2021
How To, Skin
Photography - Raspopova Marina
Contributor - Amy Wilkinson-Lough

Exfoliating every day can dramatically improve your complexion

Historically, we’ve been taught that exfoliation should be done once or twice a week, max. Anything more than that was considered too aggressive.

However, the new school of thought says that exfoliation done daily (if done properly) can help dramatically improve your complexion by removing dead skin cells.

Our skin operates on a 28-day cycle.

The live cells at the bottom of the epidermis gradually work their way up to the surface, where they die and flake off to reveal the fresh new cells underneath.

A natural process that carries on without us, can unfortunately start to slow down, dramatically, with age, sun damage, hormonal changes and certain skin disorders.

What does this mean? Well, we’re left with dull-looking skin, pores that can easily get clogged and quite possibly an uneven complexion.

Even worse? This build up of dead skin can act as a barrier preventing your skincare products from doing their jobs, ultimately leading to a waste of money.

On the contrary, when you exfoliate regularly, you’re left with these highly sought-after benefits:

  1. Brighter skin
  2. Fewer clogged pores and breakouts
  3. A smoother texture
  4. More even tone
  5. More hydrated skin
  6. Fewer signs of ageing

How to add exfoliation to your routine

  1. If you haven’t exfoliated regularly before, start with nightly oil-and-cloth cleansing. That may be all the exfoliation you need, especially if your skin is on the dry or sensitive side.
  2. If you want to try acids, start with a low-dose BHA or lactic acid. I’d try it once or twice a week, and build up to more frequent use from there.
  3. As your skin gets used to exfoliation, or if you have a normal to oily skin type, you may be able to tolerate daily exfoliation and/or higher strengths.
  4. However, stronger isn’t necessarily the goal — it all depends on how your skin behaves. So keep a close eye on it. If you see any signs of irritation such as increased redness, tightness or flaking, that’s an indication that you’ve over-exfoliated. Back off to either a milder product, less frequent applications, or both.
  5. You don’t need to use more than one acid at a time. You could, however, use different products or strengths on different parts of your face, or alternate your acids on different days. For example, you could use a strong salicylic acid on your T-zone and a mild lactic acid on your cheeks.
  6. Don’t forget your sunscreen, no matter which exfoliation method you use.

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