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Is your water doing what it's supposed to?

Is your water doing what it's supposed to?
March 07, 2021
Photography - Giorgio Trovato
Contributor - Georgina Rawlings
Is your water doing what it's supposed to?

Between the excess minerals and chemicals, and potentially poorly maintained water tanks found throughout the UAE, it’s safe to say you might not want to be knocking back the tap water

Water. We’re told we should be consuming copious amounts of it daily; it makes up between 60 to 70% of our body composition and yet how do we know if we’re truly reaping the benefits of the water we’re downing every day? It’s surprising how little we actually know about where our drinking water comes from and what goes into it and in turn into our bodies. We’re told putting a charcoal stick inside of our waters will work wonders, that infused water is the holy grail and we’re asked if we’d like it served cold or at room temperature. So, what are the most important things we should be considering when ordering or pouring ourselves a glass?

Is your water doing what it's supposed to?

What's in your water?

First up, plastic. But did you know that those single use plastic water bottles that you’re drinking from without even thinking about it probably aren’t great for your health either? The main culprit here is BPA (Bisphenol A if you want to get technical about it), an organic synthetic compound widely used as a starting material in plastics. BPA seeps out of the bottle into the water and has been shown to cause some pretty serious health issues including diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and cancer – not ideal. To cap it off, BPA is an endocrine disruptor which mimics the effect of oestrogen in the human body and critics suggest can make it harder to conceive.

What's the solution?

Adding filters under your kitchen sink is your best option – not only do they make your tap water squeaky clean and way better tasting, you’ll also save money and the planet. Pro tip – add a filter to your shower too, all that chlorine isn’t great for your skin or hair either.

We all know that proper hydration can improve the appearance of your skin, but did you know that skimping on the H2O could be affecting your brain? Studies have shown that increasing levels of hydration can have beneficial effects on cognitive function by improving mood, energy, and attention, and honestly, who has time for that?

Get salty...

Ever thought about adding salt to your water? Sounds crazy right? Actually, a couple of pinches of sea salt in your water can super-charge its hydration ability, maximising absorption and keeping you hydrated for longer – did we mention how important hydration is for health and wellness yet?! As if that wasn’t enough, a little salt can reduce fluid retention, prevent cramps, improve digestion, nourish your adrenal gland, regulate blood pressure, and deliver electrolytes (seriously, put the sports drink down, no one needs all that sugar).

Side note – not all salt is created equal. Throw out the over-processed table salt and get yourself some genuine sea salt, which packs a proper mineral punch next time you’re at the grocery store. And if you really want to level up, there’s Himalayan Pink Salt, which is loaded with minerals and has the added benefit of getting your kitchen counters ‘gram ready.

Hydrate your skin too...

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